Ever wondered what it is like to journey to the end of the world?
Here is a small glimpse as to how surreal the whole experience of visiting breathtaking Antarctica truly is!
Trip Dates: October – March
Leaves from: South America and New Zealand
Length: 5 days – 3.5 weeks
Price: Anywhere from between $5,000 – $25,000+
No place on earth compares to the vast stretch of white crisp land, covered in thousands of years of fresh snow and melting ice. This place holds secrets of the explorers that once sailed to the end of the world, to Antartica.
Antarctica is a place like no other in the world, covered in a white wilderness as far as the eyes can see stretching far beyond sight, is the endless mountain ranges. Some even believed to be the tallest in the world, waiting patiently to be discovered.
Surrounding the ice packed continent are steep cascading icebergs kilometers long, some house penguins and seals taking shelter from the harsh storms that bring snow and ice for days on end.
All you can think about is the feeling of stepping foot on the end of the world, even after you do, the feelings still excite you remembering back to the moments.
Its amazing that such a continent so vast is nothing but cold, and dark for months on end brining life only to those that can stand the surreal remoteness, enormous ice shelves, and scattered food.
Surrounded by pack ice creeping and cracking below, you feel as though you are a spec in a sea of a thousand snowflakes. Your breath is cold, but Sprits high. Thousands of people dream of experiences like this, and here you are, you yourself. Discovering the end of the world, the most remote destination, Antarctica.
From kayaking through pack ice, seal spotting on floating by icebergs, diving into freezing waters, catching snow flakes, watching Gentoo penguins and sailing around flipped ice shelves which shimmer turquoise blue in the low sunlight.
Antarctica is more than just it’s pure white surroundings. It’s an untouched magical playground for those looking to experience one of the most dangerously beautiful places in the world.
You simply become immersed in the nature and wildlife, you can’t help but want to follow in the footsteps of those famous historians and explores that once adventured through the drakes passage for months on end in nothing but wooden boats. Their huts still remain, like a time capsule taking you back to the days of tennis racked snow shoes, and penguin fur blankets.
It’s funny how you stand their surrounded by courting penguins, some of which seem more interested in you, than you are with them. And cant help but think how spoiled we are to be sailing through on an almost cruise liner, heading back to our warm beds and fresh food when the sun finally sets at midnight.
Antarctica is a hidden gem, pushed to top of many peoples bucket lists, but most never have the chance for such a random and surreal trip.
Make sure you visit this continent, its one that truly counts, and is completely and utterly unforgettable.